Monday, December 8, 2008
All I want for Christmas is...

Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Imperfect Storm
Thursday, November 13, 2008
When life throws you lemons...
Well, it has been a couple weeks since I have posted and I am still not working full-time. The company that I was so psyched to be working for kind of screwed me because they had me go through the orientation and many hours of training and then proceeded to tell me that they had no clients anywhere in my area. The closest one they have right now is over 2 HOURS AWAY!
I have been working odd jobs here and there, pet sitting, and lots of babysitting but I am getting discouraged! Our economy is so bad right now and I have made a lot of mistakes in my 30 years that have severely affected the way my life is now. When my Mom got sick I was in school, taking at least 3 classes a week and when she really started getting bad, I had to cut back on my work hours and quit school altogether. It was a combination of wanting to be there as much as I could (which I regret I did not do as often as I wanted to because it was just too painful to see her like that.) and the financial burden that her illness caused. I loved my mom very much and I was happy to give all that up if it meant her getting better. Once she passed away I was forced to work too many hours a week to go back. Now I am finally ready to take that step towards bettering my future and I can't get financial aid! At least not until I pull up my GPA which I had no idea had anything to do with getting help.
It seems like I have exhausted all my options and all I want to do is get back to school, become a nurse and take care of people!
Not to mention the paycheck wouldn't be so bad either!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Nothing new to write about so....
Saturday, October 25, 2008
TAG! You're it
- A year out of high school and trying to figure out what to do with my life
- Going to school for Early Childhood education
- Taking acting classes
- A new driver (only had my license for 2 years..barely)
- You're typical 20 year old
- Laundry
- Watch movies
- Clean my Apartment (gotta love those chores)
- Return some calls
- Continue with the Advil for ear infection pain
- Pay off debts
- Donate to charities
- Travel everywhere (overseas, all over the US, Cruises, etc..)
- Buy a new sporty car (not sure what kind though)
- Buy a house
- Franklin, MI
- West Bloomfield, MI
- Huntington Woods, MI
- Kents Hill, ME
- Farmington Hills, MI
- First ever job- Babysitting
- Extended hour Day Care center
- Marshall Fields
- Sunrise Assisted Living
Ok, I'm tagging Josh, Jaime, and Sarah!! (I know some of you have already been tagged,sorry, I don't know enough bloggers yet)
Insomnia...Gotta love it!

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Writers block at it's finest
I know it has been a long time since I've posted but to be honest nothing new has happened, or at least nothing I want to write about.
This weekend is going to be very hectic. My birthday was on the 14th and I am having a huge party at my place on Saturday night. However, on Saturday afternoon we have our local LPA chapter meeting. I just don't have much time to spend on a long creative post right now.
Actually, I have been thinking about taking a break from blogging for a while because of some things that have happened over the last couple weeks regarding my blog. There are some people out there who saw a post I really did not want anyone see.
Even though I deleted the post, I guess I wasn't quick enough and word of mouth travels way to fast. Especially with the Internet!
I need some time to think and figure out what I want to do with this blog, and if I really want to continue divulging my personal life knowing that it could come back to haunt me. I will be back once things settle down for me...and I have something interesting to say!