Saturday, August 30, 2008

Where have all the good friends gone?

I really wish I had more friends locally...

I suppose it is because I went to so many different schools, especially in high school, that I never really got the chance to make any lasting friendships. Most of the people that I went to high school with didn't even live here.
I only spent 6 months in Maine, but those were the friends that I became closest too and of course none of them lived here either.
In fact, my best friend was a girl from Japan, who I have since lost touch with. Hopefully I'll find here again someday.
The friends that I have made most recently live in Michigan, but too far away to just call up for a night out, or else they live in other states too.
Facebook has been a lifesaver for finding some of my old middle school friends and who knows... maybe that will lead to hanging out more. However, right now I just feel so alone.
The friends that I do have here, I really don't have anything in common with anymore.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE spending time with them, but they are all married or engaged...some have babies, and I am just not at that stage in my life yet.
I may be almost 30, but I am a young 30. I'm still in college,
I still enjoy going to clubs and bars, I just want to have fun!
If I happen to meet a great guy in the process that's even better, but I'm not out there seeking marriage.
I guess I am hoping that by getting back into theater that will open up a whole new world for me again. A world that I have missed for so many years. Only a true thespian can understand what I mean, but the friends you make in the theater almost always stick around.
After all what happens backstage....Stays backstage!

Higher taxes, Bad?

To be honest, I am so torn as to what to do…. In my previous post, I made it sound like I have already made my decision but I’m not really sure I have.
I have so much respect for a woman who supports disabilities, and from what I have read, Palin is also concerned with helping our economy. It seems like she also has a very good understanding of how to do so. The problem is that McCain does not!
Unfortunately, I am unemployed right now, can’t seem to find a job….and our country really needs a change. Obama may be the right choice for that. Although, I am not to thrilled about the idea of higher taxes. As it is right now, I can’t afford the taxes!!!
Without a college degree (I am in school but it will still be a while before I graduate) finding a job at all is tough, and finding one that actually pays well is near impossible!
Taxes only add to making things more expensive.

Perfection? Could be...

I have to be honest...
I really have not been into the election much at all so far.
Our choices were Obama and McCain and I had mixed feelings about both. However, after the announcement that Senator McCain picked his running mate, my vote has been creeping towards his side more and more.
Wife, Mother, Governor and my new hero...
I haven’t really had time to do my research on her, but my Dad and I just had a long talk this afternoon about what an amazing person she really is. Her views on abortion and such are very similar to mine, but we won't even get started on that one!
I was sold, just on that view alone. What he failed to mention was that she also had a child with Down Syndrome.
Having suffered all my life from various learning disabilities, that have both hindered my ability to succeed, yet also made me the person I am today…I have to agree that she just may be exactly what this country needs .
It takes a special person to raise a child with a disability, and there are so few people out there that are willing to do that.
If McCain and Gov. Palin can do at least one thing for this country, let it be to advocate for the needs of those who are unable to do so for themselves.

Friday, August 29, 2008


So everyone that I talked to when I lost my job said filing for unemployment was easy.
Ha!! Do they know who they are talking to?
I can turn even the simplest task into a long drawn out process. It seems like if it is going to happen to someone, it is almost always me who is going to have problems.
Anyway, here is the story... I was laid off on July 23rd and probably should have filed that day but I got busy, and actually didn't apply until the following week. So after the whole online application process, you're supposed to get a confirmation number. I don't know if it was something on my end or if it had something to do with the computers at the unemployment office but I DIDN'T get a confirmation number. All I got was a blank box where my only choice was to quit my application. So, that's what I did.
I then started a new application and this time after it was complete, I got my confirmation number and was told that I could call M.A.R.V.I.N on August 16th between 6-7 pm YAY!!! Right? .....Wrong! I called on August 16th and the automated system that they use at Marvin hung up on me! OK, fine whatever.....I'll call again tomorrow.
So, on Wednesday Aug 17th I call back and get hung up on again...saying we're sorry you are unable to register with Marvin until after August 25th. Ummm, OK....why is that?
So, I call the unemployment office again. This time they tell me that they have on record that I filled twice!!! So, I explain to them what happened when I first applied with the whole not getting a confirmation number....with me so far?
They tell me that they can fix it and it will be set back to the original date I was supposed to be approved. This way, I won't miss out on any of the money I should be getting....hopefully. To make an extremely long story kind of shorter....LoL, I finally got through to Marvin, and got everything sorted out yesterday.
Except that due to some new program that the government has going on, everything is taking longer than it should. They now have 5 weeks from the time I applied before they actually have to send my check out to me. This means that I may not get any money until after September 12th!!!!
At this rate, I'll be employed full time again before I even get my unemployment!

Procrastination at it's finest

Since I'm not working and have way too much time on my hands, I have been trying to find things to do to fill up my day. For the most part I have been pretty successful.

Applying for jobs, finding various plays that I can audition for, sitting on the phone for hours trying to get this whole unemployment thing straightened out. Oh yeah, that is nightmare in itself which will be in another post....

Anyway, while sitting at home one night, being bored out of mind but too tired to actually do anything about it, I came across this .

As crazy it may sound, I have become addicted to that too!!! LOL

I guess I have a ton of hobbies that I never really thought about and one of them is photography. Not really in the sense that I want to take classes and work in a portrait studio, but I am always the one at parties with a camera, and I am always taking pics of my friends and family. Now I found a way to take that hobby one step further and I think they turned out REALLY cute!

One for the girls...

A friend sent me this today and I thought it was too hilarious not to post so... ENJOY!!! A few of us lucky ones don't even have to think about this yet, but it's still pretty funny!
Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my shape to keep. Please no wrinkles, Please no bags And please lift my butt before it sags. Please no age spots, Please no gray And as for my belly, Please take it away. Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young, And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've done. Five tips for woman...
  1. It is important that a man helps you around the house and has a job.
  2. It is important that a man makes you laugh.
  3. It is important to find a man you can count on, who doesn't lie to you.
  4. It is important that a man loves you and spoils you.
  5. It is important that these four men don't know each other.

Foot Note: One saggy boob said to the other saggy boob:

"If we don't get some support soon, people will think we're nuts."

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sign Me!

Hey Guys! My guestbook is looking a bit lonely.
Please stop by and show it some Love!

The Great Lakes State

It's been a few days and I've really got nothing super exciting to report. Things here in "the mitten" are just as boring as always...
Don't get me wrong, Michigan is an awesome place to be if you've never been here before, but living here all my life, it just doesn't have the same appeal as it does to tourists.
I am reminded of a few months ago, when a a group of people came here for a convention that I was volunteering at. After it was over, I took a friend of mine around town before he had to go to the airport and couldn't think of a single thing to do with him!!!
How sad is that? I have lived her for 29 years, and don't even know what to do when I have friends visiting from out of state.
Recently I met a guy who lives about 2 hours away from me. He occasionally makes it out to this side of town and wanted to know what we should do the next time we went out. I know I should have a better idea of things to do here, but aside from the occasional dance club, or mall, movie theater, comedy club, or Play. I guess I don't get out much...Lol!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


“I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.”- Javan
Have you ever noticed that either you are single or you're not, and when you're not that's when most guys want to be with you?
I was in a relationship for over 2 years and it has taken me a while to get back into the dating scene. As soon as I opened up those doors again guys came crawling out from everywhere.
Yes, I know I shouldn't be complaining about that, but it's not really much fun when you have a handful of guys and you like them all.... Now I'm stuck choosing who I want to be with, and trying to find a way to let the other ones down without hurting them too much.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Story of my life... venting session

As most of you know, but many of you probably don't I lost my job a couple weeks ago.

Our economy really sucks right now. Especially for people in childcare. No jobs for parents means no jobs for teachers. YES, it was devastating, and YES, I am having a really difficult time financially but I'm confident it will all work out for the best.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved my job (most days)

My babies were my life, and I will miss them like crazy, but I can't stay at a Day care center that...

1. Doesn't have it together enough to consistently have the same teacher with the same kids.

2. Cuts your hours just so they don't have to offer benefits.

3. Wants the classroom run a certain way, yet won't supply the appropriate materials to go with the lesson plan they force you to follow.

As if that wasn't bad enough, some people seem to be spreading an extremely vicious rumor about me. Although I have it under control it still hurts..... It hurts A LOT!!!

These people were supposed to be my friends, people that I care about deeply.

Without going into too much detail, one person in particular was the reason that I got involved in LPA in the first place. Even when calling to find out more information about the conference, I felt slightly out of place. However, since one of my best friends is an LP I was curious what, if anything I could do to show my support.

I got in touch with an absolutely fabulous woman (or so I thought) who invited me (and Danielle) to a BBQ with our local chapter. She was the one that welcomed me with open arms for months, convinced me not only to volunteer my time but also to become a member. She said that in addition to making a donation, LPA would love to have me as a "support member" and then after the conference was over, she turned on me. No explanation, nothing....

Here is the rest of the story...kinda.

I still felt a bit out of place at the first BBQ but as soon as I walked into the backyard I felt like I belonged.

After spending countless hours with this group, I connected with another woman. Mainly because she and I had one thing in common. She to was an AH woman who was a member because her best friend was an LP. Turns out both these women were NOT who I thought they were. I found out about 3 weeks after the conference that they had both been spreading a rumor about me. I was lucky that not too many people heard it before I did, and was able to stop it but yeah, It really hurts.

Anyway, I have already said way more than I should... but hopefully you get the idea.

I love the friends I have made over the last year, my volunteering at the conference was an experience I won't soon forget. I think about all "My babies" everyday and can't wait until NY when I can volunteer again and see them all again.

I just hope that the people who know me, will stand up for me.

I know that I am NOT that kind of person, most of you know that I am NOT that kind of person, nor would I ever do anything to embarrass my friends, or the organization.

It's kind of ironic, I was actually warned shortly after the conference began that LPA can be very cliquey.... Thanks!

* If cliquey means being two-faced then thanks but no thanks!*

I'll just stick with my own clique at the next event and anyone that wants to be a part of it is more than welcome.

Guess I know who my real friends are!

Jaime Ray Newman

What can be said about a girl that has achieved so much and continues to captivate her fans? From singer, to actress, to forming her own soul/funk/rock band, she just continues to amaze me. Veronica Mars is where Jaime first caught my attention. At first, I was not impressed with the show at all. Kristen Bell and I were friends all through middle school, so I had to watch at least one epi. Now I'm a super fan! It wasn't until I saw Jamie in Made of Honor that I became completely "infatuated". Not in a romantic crush kind of way but being an aspiring actress myself, I wanted to know everything about her . Who she was? Where she grew up? How she got into acting? For some reason she reminded me a lot of myself when I get on stage and I was curious why that was. So, I found out why. She's the same age as me, grew up in the same city I live in, and now she's living the life... She also got to be in a movie with "McDreamy".... Need I say more?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Now, the moment you've all been waiting for...

I know that I have been promising for a while to come back and tell you all what has been going on but I didn't want to jinx myself.
For starters, I have a couple interviews lined up in both New York and Los Angeles.
They are only phone interviews but if all goes well, I am hoping to move by the end of the year.

My preference would be LA because I have family there but we'll see what happens with the interviews and then I can decide.

I have been wanting to leave Michigan for about 4 years now but up until recently it just never seemed like the right time.

Now, for the most exciting news least it is for me.
I have an audition in less than 2 weeks to be in Seussical the Musical!!! Now, I realize that as musicals go this is not really a big deal, but it has been almost 7 years since I have been on stage and I need to start somewhere.
If I ever want to make it "big" I should be open to anything that will allow me to gain more experience. Right...?
I know I have what it takes to be in a much bigger production someday but for now, I will do anything just to show the world how talented I am.
My first year of college I almost quit acting all together...
During the first audition I went to, I was so nervous I started crying and ran out of the auditorium.
My acting instructor chased after me and said "Whatever you do....Don't ever let me see you walk off that stage again!""I see so much potential in you, and you have got something that I have never seen in any of my students, in all the years I have been teaching."
Thanks to a few words from a great teacher I am still getting on that stage to this day. Who knows? Maybe someday you can all say you knew me when.....

Monday, August 11, 2008

New blogger so please forgive me...

I'm just getting started so my blog may not be very exciting, at least not right away. Hopefully you will all check back frequently because I have a lot of exciting stuff happening. For now I will leave you wondering... but I promise to update soon!